Orchid Nursery “de Molenhoek”

Logiqs reference logos - Molenhoek

About Orchid Nursery “de Molenhoek”

Orchid nursery “de Molenhoek” is specialized in the cultivation of the pot Phalaenopsis ever since 1982.


The Netherlands



Potted plants: Orchids


Automated rolling bench system



35.000 m2

After sales services

Logiqs has its own experienced installation and service team based in the Netherlands, but also collaborates with reliable service engineer teams in several countries so as to prevent unnecessary installation or maintenance costs.

Our customers can always rely on prompt and efficient attention for routine maintenance, breakdown or emergency situations.

Routine preventative maintenance can be tailored to the customer’s choice, with service intervals to suit the specific needs of the logistical system.

Design your Greenhouse

Get in touch with one of our Sales Engineers for more information

    Phone: +31 174 514141
    Email: info@logiqs.nl
    Address: Honderdland 841, 2676 LV Maasdijk, The Netherlands